Liz Dougherty

About Liz Dougherty

I yearned for a garden for thirty years, always making the excuse that my busy career didn't allow me enough time to indulge in my personal dreams. During the pandemic in 2020, I experienced a transformational shift in how I viewed my life and finally woke up to the realization that at the age of 55, it was time to make some big changes. With a decrease in work pressures, I began to embrace my love of nature and poured my heart into building my very first kitchen garden, where I felt a sense of connection to the earth that I'd never felt before. When I'm not home in the garden, I can be found hiking with my loyal pup, Denver Rose. I am passionate about Mother Earth, exploring, and sharing the message that it's never too late to live a life you love.

Latest from Liz Dougherty

Bee Your Own Pollinator! Use a Paintbrush for Blooming Success!
Bee Your Own Pollinator! Use a Paintbrush for Blooming Success!
Welcome, green thumbs and budding gardeners! Today, we embark on a journey that combines nature's beauty with a touch of artistic finesse. Step into the world of hand pollination, where we'll explore the enchanting technique of using a humble paintbrush...
3 min read
Liz Dougherty

About Liz Dougherty

I yearned for a garden for thirty years, always making the excuse that my busy career didn't allow me enough time to indulge in my personal dreams. During the pandemic in 2020, I experienced a transformational shift in how I viewed my life and finally woke up to the realization that at the age of 55, it was time to make some big changes. With a decrease in work pressures, I began to embrace my love of nature and poured my heart into building my very first kitchen garden, where I felt a sense of connection to the earth that I'd never felt before. When I'm not home in the garden, I can be found hiking with my loyal pup, Denver Rose. I am passionate about Mother Earth, exploring, and sharing the message that it's never too late to live a life you love.