7 Ways to Extend Your Growing Season with Greenhouses

While patience is crucial for gardening and long-term results, incorporating a greenhouse into your garden is a great way to beat the seasons. Greenhouses can be a true game changer that allows us to extend our growing season, and to enjoy fresh produce well into the colder months. Check out my seven recommendations below to make the most of your greenhouse and keep your plants thriving longer!


1. Choosing the Right Greenhouse

Not all greenhouses are created equal! The right type for you depends on your outdoor space and budget, whether it’s hobby-sized mini greenhouses or larger full-sized structures.  Hoop houses or polytunnels, for example, are fantastic options for those looking for an easy-to-build and cost-effective structure. They are great for extending the growing season and allow for excellent ventilation - ideal for growing everything from leafy greens to tomatoes.

2. Utilize Raised Beds

If you haven’t added raised garden beds to your greenhouse, do it now! They offer improved drainage and warm up faster in spring for an early start. Plant early-season crops like spinach or radishes in your raised garden beds - the warmth helps them germinate quicker, giving you a headstart on the growing season.

3. Row Covers

Row covers are one of the secret weapons for protecting your tender plants. Acting as a mini greenhouse for individual plants, they offer added warmth and protection for your crops when the weather gets cold. You can use them to cover your veggies during unexpected cold spells, so they can continue to thrive after the first frost. 

4. Take Advantage of Cold Frames

Cold frames are quite similar to greenhouses. They are low-cost structures that can be made from old windows or purchased kits. Use cold frames to start plants like lettuce and herbs early, giving them a head start before planting them outside.

5. Incorporate Heating Solutions

A little extra warmth can go a long way when the temperature drops. For those extra frosty days, incorporating simple solutions like heat mats or electric heaters can keep your plants and seedlings cozy and warm.

A greenhouse isn't just about warmth though; it's also about managing airflow. Ensuring proper ventilation helps prevent overheating and excessive humidity, which may lead to fungal diseases. Also consider using vents and fans for optimal air circulation, which is crucial for healthy plant growth. 

6. Grow Year-Round 

If you’re feeling adventurous, consider boosting your gardening game with hydroponics in your greenhouse. You can actually achieve faster growth rates and higher yields by growing without soil.  Salad greens and herbs can be grown in this way and harvested throughout winter. 

Having a greenhouse also provides the perfect environment to overwinter your crops, while giving succulents and tropical plants a safe haven during winter to keep them healthy and vibrant until spring.

7 Ways to Extend Your Growing Season with Greenhouses


7. Rotate Your Crops

Not exclusive to outdoor gardening, crop rotation is essential in greenhouses too. Regular rotation helps prevent soil depletion and pest buildup, while you can plan the layout of your greenhouse in ways that allow you to switch crops easily between seasons. Rotate your planting in different areas, and incorporate cover crops to further enrich the soil. 

Greenhouse gardening and extending your growing season can be incredibly rewarding. Whether you’re enjoying fresh veggies from your backyard well into winter, or nurturing seedlings in early spring, consider some of these tips to boost your garden’s potential. Embrace new possibilities with your greenhouse, and get ready for a bountiful harvest year-round!