Vego Garden


#All #Green Pen Project #2025 gardening #Add ons #Advanced beds #Advanced techniques and innovations #Ancient irrigation #Antioxidant #Ants #Apps #Aquaponics #Ask an expert #Assembly #Astrology #Autumn #Banana peel #Beans #Bearded iris #Beetles #Beginner #Beginner tips #Beginner-friendly #Bell peppers #Beneficial insects #Benefits of hydroponics #Berries #Better gardening #Biodynamic #Bird feeders #Birds #Birth month #Blueberries #Blueberry recipes #Bugs #Bumper crops #Calendula #Cascading plants and flowers #Climate change #Cocktail gardening #Cocktails #Cold weather #Companion planting #Composting #Coneflower #Corn #Cost benefit #Creative #Crop rotation #Cultivation #Digital natives #Disease #Diy #Dragonfruit #Drinks #Drought tolerant plants #Easy gardening #Eco-friendly #Ecological #Edible plants #Edimentals #Ethnobotany #Exercise #Extreme weather #Fall #Fall garden #Family friendly #Farming #Fertilizing #Figs #Fish farming #Fitness #Flowers #Food #Food storage #Foodcube projects #Fountain #Freeze drying #Fruit #Fruit trees #Fungi #Garden #Garden bed design and preparation #Garden bed introduction #Garden beds #Garden birds #Garden desig #Garden design #Garden gifts #Garden oasis #Garden planning #Garden prep #Garden protection #Garden recipes #Garden to table #Gardening #Gardening history #Gardening tips #Gardening tools #Gardens #Germination #Green thumb knowledge #Greenhouse #Hacks #Hardening off #Harvest #Health #Heat tolerant #Heirloom bulbs #Herbalism #Herbs #History #Holidays #Home and garden #Homestead #Hori hori knife #Houseplants #How to #Hugelkultur #Humidity #Hydroponics #Indoor gardening #Insects #Invasive #Invasive control #Invasive garden #Invasive plants #Investment #Iris #Kids gardening #Kitchen composter #Kitchen garden #Lacewings #Landscape design and ecological gardening #Lavander #Lawn care #Leaves #Legumes #Liqueur #Medicinal properties #Medicine #Meditation #Mediterranean #Mediterranean gardens #Medlar #Medlar fruit #Memorial gardens #Memories #Millenials #Modern series #Modular garden bed #Mulch #Myths #National blueberry day #Natural #Nature #New arrival #Olla watering #Organic #Organic farming #Organic gardening #Organics #Outdoors #Perennials #Pest and disease management #Pest control #Pests #Picnic #Plant #Plant basics #Plant care #Plant collections #Plant cultivation #Plant health #Plant names #Plant selection and care #Plant walk #Planters #Planting #Plants #Pollinators #Potatoes #Pots #Prep #Press release #Pro-tips #Problems and solutions #Product reviews #Pruning #Purpose gardening #Rain #Rain gardens #Rain gauge #Rainfall #Raised beds #Raised garden bed #Receipe #Recommended by media #Responsible gardening #Roses #Seasonal gardening #Seed #Seed rotation #Seed saving #Seed starting #Seeds #Seeds and seedlings #Sensory gardens #Snakes #Social media #Social trends #Soil #Soil and nutrition #Soup #Spiders #Spring #Spring flowers #Spring garden #Squash #Storage #Strawberries #Succulents #Summer #Summer gardening #Sustainability #Sustainable #Tea #Tech #Technology #The basics #Tomatoes #Traditional medicine #Transplanting #Travel #Trees #Trees and shrubs #Trellis #Trends #Tropical #Underrated #Unusual berries #Unusual plants #Urban gardening #Veganism #Vegetable gardening #Vegetables #Veggie garden #Vego garden beds #Vermicompost #Water conservation #Water efficiency #Water feature #Watering #Watering and irrigation #Watering products #Watermelon #Weather #Weeds #Wellness #Wellness gardening #Wildlife #Wildlife garden #Winter #Winter garden cleanup #Worms #Xeriscaping...
National Spinach Day: Green Power
National Spinach Day: Green Power
Spinach is definitely not one of those vegetables that children devour with relish. Adults who have gotten over their aversion to the leafy green may find it palatable in an omelette or a plate of ravioli, but overall, spinach’s standing...
4 min read
Seed Starting Tips for Spring
Seed Starting Tips for Spring
Spring is just around the corner, and for gardeners, it’s time to get our hands dirty and kick off the growing season by starting seeds! In my years of gardening, I’ve learned a few techniques for spring that can help...
3 min read
Best Gifts for Gardeners: A Vego Garden Guide to Gifts $100 to $250
Best Gifts for Gardeners: A Vego Garden Guide to Gifts $100 to $250
This guide isn't just about gifts—it’s about investing in friendships, relationships, and even your own gardening journey. Whether you’re helping someone unlock a new level in their gardening experience or treating yourself to high-quality, reliable, and sustainable products, Vego Garden...
4 min read
Flowers of Ancient Egypt
Flowers of Ancient Egypt
As the novelist Zora Neale Hurston notes, “Half gods are worshipped in wine and flowers. Real gods require blood.” Many gods were vicious, conceived as harbingers of war and bringers of plague during times of turmoil. Yet, the duality in...
4 min read
Celebrating National Artichoke Day
Celebrating National Artichoke Day
My fellow green thumbs, I want to share with you today a unique holiday that often flies under the radar: National Artichoke Day, celebrated on March 16th. I’ve come to appreciate the artichoke not just for its role in culinary...
3 min read
Manchineel Tree: The Poison Apple Tree That Can Kill You
Manchineel Tree: The Poison Apple Tree That Can Kill You
If the evil queen in Snow White had given the titular character an apple from the manchineel tree, then the story would be a lot shorter: there would be no subsequent meddling from the dwarves, nor would Snow White ever...
4 min read
14 Leafy Greens to Grow in a Greenhouse
14 Leafy Greens to Grow in a Greenhouse
Grow a thriving edible garden in your greenhouse by selecting the easiest, fastest, and most popular leafy greens. These greens provide a continuous supply for smoothies, salads, and cooking, adding vital nutrients to your daily diet.  In this blog, you'll...
4 min read
FAQ About Composting Indoors with the Vego Garden Composter
FAQ About Composting Indoors with the Vego Garden Composter
Composting is simple, but getting it right matters—one wrong move, and you’re dealing with a smelly mess, especially indoors. Whether you've struggled with slow decomposition, unpleasant odors, or just want a faster way to turn food scraps into nutrient-rich compost,...
6 min read
National Flower Day – March 21
National Flower Day – March 21
As you get older and the dreary winter days seem to lengthen, spring becomes all the more long-awaited. Although not officially recognized as a holiday, National Flower Day, which coincides with the spring equinox – the first day of spring...
4 min read
How to Water Air Plants
How to Water Air Plants
Maybe you’ve picked up a stray air plant at the local market, intrigued by its seemingly uncomplicated nature and curled leaves. Or maybe you’ve been given this funny looking plant and are curious about its care. Whatever the case, it’s...
4 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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