Benefits of Replanting Store-Bought Garlic, Chives, and Spring Onions

So, you find yourself with surplus garlic, chives, and spring onions from the store, and they're lingering unused in your fridge. Rather than letting them go to waste, consider giving them a second life by saving their roots or letting them sprout for replanting in your garden.

We won't delve into the process of replanting them, but we will explore why you should consider saving them for your garden!

A big happy family

Chives | Vego Garden

Garlic, chives, and spring onions all belong to the Allium family, a group of vegetables known for their distinct flavors and health-promoting properties.

Rich in nutrients: Green onions, garlic chives, and spring onions are rich sources of vitamins C and K, essential for bone health and blood clotting. Additionally, they contain important phytonutrients that contribute to overall well-being.

Heart health: Incorporating these Allium vegetables into your diet may lower the risk of heart disease by reducing blood pressure and oxidative stress. The American Institute of Cancer Research recognizes their potential in preventing certain types of cancers.

Easy regeneration from grocery store purchases

Replanting process: The process of replanting these vegetables is surprisingly easy. Begin by placing the white roots or root ends in water, and soon, green tops will emerge. With a little patience and care, you can nurture these kitchen scraps into thriving plants.

Year-round harvest: By strategically planting and harvesting, you can enjoy a year-round supply of fresh garlic, chives, and spring onions from your own garden, minimizing trips to the grocery store.

Companion planting and garden benefits

Companion planting: The Allium family members are excellent companions in the garden. They act as natural pest deterrents, protecting fruit trees and other plants from harmful insects. Siberian chives, in particular, are renowned for their ability to repel pests.

Organic gardening: Growing your own garlic, chives, and spring onions allows you to embrace organic gardening practices. These plants thrive in fertile soil and are a great addition to any home garden.

Practical tips for replanting and care

Selecting the right bulbs: Choose large bulbs with healthy-looking green tops that are free from any signs of mold or damage.

Optimal planting time: Late spring to early summer is the ideal time for planting. This ensures that the plants have sufficient time to establish themselves before the growing season peaks.

Soil and sun requirements: These Allium vegetables prefer well-draining, fertile soil and exposure to ample sunlight. Enhance the soil with good compost and slow-release fertilizer to keep your plants happy; you can find both at the Vego Garden website!

Harvesting practices: Harvest green onions and chives regularly by snipping the tops, allowing the plants to continue producing fresh flavors. For garlic, wait until the foliage turns yellow, indicating the bulbs are ready for harvest.

Final thoughts

So, the next time you reach for that bunch of green onions at the grocery store, envision the potential they can have in your garden! 

Hopefully, this blog helps you take matters into your own hands, clean your fridge, and grow your herb garden!