How to Get Rid of Moles in the Yard

Are you beginning to suspect your neighbor, who is up at odd hours of the night, of having a subterranean lair where he does his evil bidding? It’s unlikely that the clumps of overturned earth on your yard are the result of your neighbor’s interference (unless your neighbor goes by the name of Gru), but of a more lowly explanation – molehills. 

To apprehend those culprits, it’s not recommended you set off rigged explosives, but instead turn to more humane means. At any rate, try not to destroy the surrounding area in the process – though there’s a slew of fancy traps out there, not all of them work the intended way. If there’s anything to learn from history, it’s not to make mountains out of molehills. 


Frequently Asked Questions

When do moles become a problem?  

Some gardeners will tolerate a few patches of disturbed earth as long as they don’t result in dramatic damage. Moles are usually only a problem in large numbers and their excavation activities causes consternation for the gardener. Mole damage is not always evident, but as they amass in numbers, raised mounds or fractures in the earth can become more apparent. The continuous burrowing behavior can destabilize the surrounding soil and damage crops. Moles can become a problem if they: 

  • Disturb sprinkler systems 

  • Uproot garden crops 

  • Cause ground to become unsightly  

What are the differences between moles and voles? 

While moles are sometimes confused for voles, the damage caused by those warm-blooded pests is quite different. Moles specialize in raised mounds while vole damage consists of eroded pathways in the ground and nibbled plant roots. Moles are near-sighted, solitary creatures that forage alone; they can appear rather funny looking, with rubbery claws that are positioned oddly. By contrast, voles have a rat-like apperance and live in colonies. 

Does killing off grubs that moles feed on help? 

One quick solution calls for starving moles of their food source – grubs. However, wiping out the stockpile of grubs will not get rid of moles. Although moles do eat grubs, they subsist mainly on earthworms, which are immune to regular chemical controls. Also, this quick-fix solution doesn’t address the root cause of the problem, which are the moles themselves. 

Can I place chewing gum into their tunnels?  

A bizarre method of deterrence involves stopping moles with chewing gum, in particular Juicy Fruit. While there is anecdotal evidence that this remedy works, it is not the most humane of approaches, as it blocks the mole’s digestive tract, dooming them to a slow, painful death. 

Methods to Get Rid of Moles

Traps: GopherHawk, scissor traps and harpoon traps  

Other Methods: Gopher mesh nets, castor oil, plants that repel moles  

1.  Put Out Traps 

A universal approach is to lay out lethal traps – scissor traps and the ominously named harpoon trap. Scissor traps and harpoon traps are set by staking the implement into the ground and waiting for the unsuspecting mole to wander within its premises. 

Unfortunately, many traps are poorly made and lack durability. Many gardeners swear by GopherHawk, which works on gophers as well as moles. While it may take some trial and error to catch a quarry, it’s a tested method that nabs moles in their domain. Place the trap several inches away from a fresh mound, ideally between two mounds. Once it detects the scurry of approaching movement, a swivel trigger is activated, ensnaring the unwanted pest.  

2. Use Gopher Nets  

If you don’t mind a few moles hanging around, a cruelty-free method is the use of stainless steel gopher nets, designed to be used on the bottom of raised garden beds. Made with 304 stainless steel, they’re designed to last for decades and tough enough to weather the elements while keeping out burrowing visitors. Even if your yard is riddled with moles, not a single one will be able to infiltrate your garden crops. If you want to completely annihilate moles, pair with other methods to rid them from your yard for good. 

3. Grow Plants that Deter Moles  

Some gardeners find it hard to weaponize against moles, who they find cute in an ugly way. For those who prefer a more merciful approach, plants can also create a barrier that deters moles from breaking in. Daffodils, marigolds, and alliums are reputed to repel them. 

4. Dig with a Shovel 

Although not the most effective of methods, some gardeners still rely on the old-school approach of striking the mound with a shovel after a heavy rain, when they are forced to the surface. More impatient gardeners can flood their tunnels with a forceful spray nozzle, which collapses their tunnels and drives them out. 

How to Get Rid of Moles in the Yard

5. Get a Cat  

You can wait for a family of foxes to move in, or you can get an outdoor cat that preys on moles. Equipped with a natural affinity for rooting out moles, farm cats are surprisingly effective at pest control. And best of all, their services are free – frugal individuals who ardently refuse to call pest control will no doubt find these feline friends helpful. Birds of prey can also dispose of a few moles, provided that they have a perch. 

6. Use Liquid or Pelletized Castor Oil 

Another recommended approach is using castor oil to ward off moles. Castor oil is available commercially, or you may make your own solution by blending in three teaspoons of liquid detergent. Spray on the lawn, then use a sprinkler to allow it to soak in. Please note that castor oil in either form has mostly been effective on eastern species of moles rather than those west of the Rocky Mountains.