Vego Garden

Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide

Have you ever dreamed of having a lush garden that practically takes care of itself?

Then let me introduce you to the magical world of hugelkultur – a gardening method so simple that even an inexperienced gardener can succeed with it!
Hugelkultur may sound like a fancy term, but it's not something you should be intimidated by! On the contrary. Whether you're an experienced gardener or just starting out, the Hugelkultur method is a simple and sustainable technique that can take your gardening experience from good to awesome!

Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide

Why use the hugelkultur method?

The Hugelkultur method is a sustainable gardening technique among permaculturists, sustainable gardeners, and anyone interested in regenerative agriculture because of its simplicity, effectiveness, low cost, and low maintenance.

Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide

Where does the hugelkultur method come from?

Hugelkultur was first used in Eastern Europe. Farmers created fertile garden mounds by mounding logs, branches, and organic debris to improve soil fertility and protect crops from drought or heat to maximize crop yields.

The term "hugelkultur" comes from the German word "hügelkultur," If we break it down, "hugel" means hill or mound and "kultur" means culture or cultivation, so it translates to "hill culture.”

An icon of the hugelkultur method is Sepp Holzer, an Austrian farmer and permaculture practitioner who integrated hugelkultur into his farming practices on his property and shared the results with the world by demonstrating its effectiveness in improving soil health, retaining water and promoting plant growth.

Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide

How do I fill up my garden bed the hugelkultur way?

To fill up a garden bed using the Hugelkultur method, follow the steps below!
  1. Decide whether to use a raised metal bed or plant directly on the ground.
  2. Cover the bottom of your garden bed with cardboard.
  3. Gather wooden materials such as large logs, tree trunks and smaller branches. The best type of wood is from hardwood trees like oak, poplar, ash, apple acacia apple, beech, alder, and maple. Avoid wood from materials such as black walnut, which can hinder plant growth. Create the first layer by placing large logs and branches on the ground.
  4.  Add layers of compostable materials like woodchips, sticks, smaller branches, mulch, grass clippings, green leaves and kitchen scraps.
  5. Add organic and nutrient-rich compost.
  6. Mix organic and nutrient-rich topsoil and fertilizer.
  7. Water your bed thoroughly to get it started.
  8. Add your plants!

What are the conditions for a hugelkultur garden to survive:

For your Hugelkultur garden to be successful, you have to focus on the following  things:
  1. Good drainage to prevent waterlogging.
  2. Situate in a location with the most sun for optimal plant growth.
  3. Choose the surrounding environment carefully, as nearby plants can benefit from the rich soil and water retention properties unless you are using a raised garden bed. 

What happens to the ecosystem with the hugelkultur method?

The wood and organic matter go through the stages of decomposition, where bacteria and fungi break down the materials into simpler compounds. During this process, nitrogen is consumed, which may temporarily reduce the nitrogen available for plant uptake. However, as decomposition progresses, the nutrients are released back into the soil, making them more available to plants in the long run. In addition, decaying wood acts like a sponge, absorbing and retaining moisture, which helps improve water retention in the garden bed.

Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide

Benefits of the hugelkultur method:

Improved Soil Fertility:

The gradual release of nutrients from decomposing organic matter yields nutrient-rich soil. Nutrient-rich soil yields successful perennial plants, fruit trees, and cover crops.

Water Retention:

Rotting wood retains moisture, minimizes constant watering, and improves water retention throughout the growing season.

Sustainable and EcoFriendly:

Hugelkultur aligns with sustainable gardening practices as it promotes the recycling of organic waste, making it an environmentally friendly option.

Low Cost:

To build your raised bed, you'll need organic matter, which is readily available in nature. You can use your kitchen scraps as compost and save water, as the beds act like sponges for your plants. Hugelkultur beds remain productive for many years. 

Drought Tolerant:

Your garden beds become sponges that retain water and keep it ready for your plants when they need it. 

Start your Hugelkultur Garden: Beginner’s Guide

Can I use the hugelkultur method in a regular garden bed?

Yes, the hugelkultur method can be installed in a normal garden bed.
You need to determine how high you want your garden bed and how deep you want to dig the foundation. Before you start this work, you should take a look at the limitations of your HOA, as hugelkultur garden beds aren't always esthetically pleasing.

Can I use the hugelkultur method in a raised garden bed?

The hugelkultur method can also be adapted for raised garden beds. In fact, it works best in metal raised garden beds because these beds are easy on the eyes, functional, and contained.

Can I use the hugelkultur method in my urban garden?

Yes, you can definitely use the Hugelkultur method in urban gardening. In fact, it is well suited for small spaces, as it maximizes vertical growth and makes efficient use of available resources. Urban gardeners often appreciate the water saving properties of Hugelkultur.

Can I use kitchen compost in my hugelkultur garden?

Yes, you can use kitchen compost and vermicompost in the Hugelkultur method. Both of these materials contribute valuable nutrients to the garden bed and aid in the decomposition process.

Final Thoughts:

Hugelkultur gardening is an eco-friendly permaculture method that improves soil health, reduces water consumption, and provides a long-term solution for gardeners. 

The best part is even those without a green thumb can create a thriving and sustainable garden!