Kay L.

About Kay L.

I’m a freelance writer and content creator with a passion for storytelling and gardening. My love of flowers started when I was given a book on floriography and realized that flowers can be used to communicate hidden meaning. Since then, I’ve rediscovered the joy of nature and the far-reaching impacts it can have on the human psyche. In my spare time, I collect crystals, write fantasy fiction stories, and create eclectic art.

Latest from Kay L.

Growing a Goth Garden | Vego Garden
Growing a Goth Garden
Both bizarre and darkly intriguing, a goth or gothic-themed garden evokes the atmospheric quality of a Victorian novel, but without the seedier aspects.
4 min read
10 House Plants to Grow in Water | Vego Garden
10 Houseplants to Grow in Water
Many houseplants can grow in water indefinitely, if not permanently. Some can survive in the water for years and even decades.
4 min read
Low-maintenance plants for spring and summer | Vego Garden
Beauty Without the Effort: Low-Maintenance Plants for a Spring Garden
Low-maintenance plants often gain a reputation for being plain, dull or scraggly. However, there are many spring plants that offer a multitude of colors and textures, many of which extend into the summer months.
4 min read
Nocturnal Pollinators: Gardening for Moths | Vego Garden
Nocturnal Pollinators: Gardening for Moths
From the fascinating luna moth to the ominous death’s head moth, moths are both beautiful and bizarre.
4 min read
Top 10 Gardens of the World | Vego Garden
National Public Gardens Day: Top 10 to Visit Around the World
Unlike some of the more cosmopolitan attractions of the world’s greatest cities, botanical gardens and conservatories are unlikely to be swamped by tourists. 
4 min read
Therapeutic Benefits of Gardening | Vego Garden
Digging Deeper: The Therapeutic Power of Gardening
Gardening is not only good for the environment - it soothes the soul, fosters community and encourages exercise.
4 min read
Taming the Wilds: 9 Top Weeds in Your Garden | Vego Garden
Taming the Wilds: 9 Top Weeds in Your Garden
From a child’s perspective, weeds like dandelions are innocuous playthings; to gardeners, they are seen as nuisances that infest garden lawns.
4 min read
Top 11 Night-Blooming Flowers | Vego Garden
Night-Blooming Flowers: 11 Top Choices for a Moonlit Garden
Gardeners who relish the quiet and solitude of night will find solace in a moonlit garden. Here’s some key players you’ll want in your court.
4 min read
Seasonal Allergies and Your Garden: Plants to Avoid
Seasonal Allergies and Your Garden: Plants to Avoid
For allergy sufferers, spring can seem like a ticking bomb – one whiff can set off a series of sneezes, a prelude to perpetually runny noses and itchy, red eyes.
4 min read
Growing a Pizza Garden
Growing a Pizza Garden

All roads lead to Rome – at least with pizza – Italy’s most famous dish. But if you're a little short on time and cash to visit the Italian seaside, do the next best thing - grow a pizza garden at home.


4 min read
Kay L.

About Kay L.

I’m a freelance writer and content creator with a passion for storytelling and gardening. My love of flowers started when I was given a book on floriography and realized that flowers can be used to communicate hidden meaning. Since then, I’ve rediscovered the joy of nature and the far-reaching impacts it can have on the human psyche. In my spare time, I collect crystals, write fantasy fiction stories, and create eclectic art.