Kay L.

About Kay L.

I’m a freelance writer and content creator with a passion for storytelling and gardening. My love of flowers started when I was given a book on floriography and realized that flowers can be used to communicate hidden meaning. Since then, I’ve rediscovered the joy of nature and the far-reaching impacts it can have on the human psyche. In my spare time, I collect crystals, write fantasy fiction stories, and create eclectic art.

Latest from Kay L.

How to Design a Tropical Garden in Your Backyard
Do you dream of retiring to the Bahamas, where pristine sand beaches and glittering turquoise oceans await? That’s a fine goal to have, but why not jumpstart your retirement efforts by transforming your backyard into a veritable tropical paradise?  In...
4 min read
Best Tomato Varieties to Grow in the Garden
Capturing the fascinating form of the tomato is an art form in itself – from pleated heirlooms to bite-sized cherry tomatoes, tomatoes have graced the pages of countless home and garden magazines with their dazzling variance. Caressed by the warm...
4 min read
Can You Use Banana Peels as Fertilizer?
While scrolling through Facebook, you may have stumbled upon posts touting the efficacy of banana peel water, or banana tea, with an image of a gloriously full basil plant as proof that it works wonders.  In theory, banana water as...
4 min read
Vintage Gardens: 12  Old World Flowers with Everlasting Appeal
Vintage Gardens: 12 Old World Flowers with Everlasting Appeal
Trends both notorious and obscure come and go, but some have managed to achieve staying power due to their classic appeal – and this includes old-fashioned flowers. 
4 min read
Bastard Cabbage: Displacing Wildflowers Like Wildfire
Bastard Cabbage: Displacing Wildflowers Like Wildfire
Bastard cabbage, scientifically known as Rapistrum rugosum, is an aggressive spreader that quickly turns the tide of war in its favor, swarming beloved natives such as bluebonnets, Indian paintbrush, and other native wildflowers.
3 min read
12 Unusual Plants to Grow this Summer
12 Unusual Plants to Grow this Summer
This season, try growing those interesting and unusual vegetables for an exotic twist to your cuisine. 
4 min read
Say What? The Hidden Language of Flowers
Say What? The Hidden Language of Flowers
Though the practice of using flowers to communicate hidden meaning has long fallen out of fashion, flowers continue to exhilarate gardeners, both for its practical purposes and folkloric associations.
4 min read
Grasshoppers in the Garden? What to Do, When, Why and How
Grasshoppers in the Garden? What to Do, When, Why and How
Under population pressures, harmless grasshoppers transform into a swarm of voracious locusts. The trigger? Serotonin, a chemical compound that plays a role in everything from sleep to aggression.
4 min read
Morning Glories: Misunderstood and Maligned
Morning Glories: Misunderstood and Maligned
Morning glories are tenacious climbers that produce a medley of colors: solid colors, bi-colors, and variegated variations.
4 min read
Bully Birds in the Backyard Garden | Vego Garden
Bully Birds in the Backyard Garden
Just like in the school yard and animal world, there are bullies that bluster and threaten at backyard feeders.
4 min read
Kay L.

About Kay L.

I’m a freelance writer and content creator with a passion for storytelling and gardening. My love of flowers started when I was given a book on floriography and realized that flowers can be used to communicate hidden meaning. Since then, I’ve rediscovered the joy of nature and the far-reaching impacts it can have on the human psyche. In my spare time, I collect crystals, write fantasy fiction stories, and create eclectic art.