Kay L.

About Kay L.

I’m a freelance writer and content creator with a passion for storytelling and gardening. My love of flowers started when I was given a book on floriography and realized that flowers can be used to communicate hidden meaning. Since then, I’ve rediscovered the joy of nature and the far-reaching impacts it can have on the human psyche. In my spare time, I collect crystals, write fantasy fiction stories, and create eclectic art.

Latest from Kay L.

Garden Beds: The Perfect Green Gift for Nature Lovers
Garden Beds: The Perfect Green Gift for Nature Lovers
The holidays are coming up, and you might be wondering what to purchase for the gardener in the house. It can be difficult selecting an impactful gift when gardeners already own many of the tools that are recommended in gift...
4 min read
Kay L.

About Kay L.

I’m a freelance writer and content creator with a passion for storytelling and gardening. My love of flowers started when I was given a book on floriography and realized that flowers can be used to communicate hidden meaning. Since then, I’ve rediscovered the joy of nature and the far-reaching impacts it can have on the human psyche. In my spare time, I collect crystals, write fantasy fiction stories, and create eclectic art.