Top 5 Essential Tools for Winter Gardening

A garden in the winter invariably looks very different from one in the summer, if there is even any garden left. Winter is often referred to as the ‘fallow season’ – a period of dearth where once-vibrant fields are razed to the ground. Up north, gardeners brave the mountains of frost to get to their driveway. 

In warmer climates, gardeners are lucky enough to enjoy their garden year-round, weather permitting. Even if you’re somebody who’s content to let dead plants lie in the ground, there are still some tasks you can do in preparation for the growing season. Winter is seen as the time for garden maintenance, when tasks such as pruning and preparing the ground for spring are taken care of. 

Here are five gardening tools that are essential for the colder months. 


1. Hori Hori Knife

A hori hori knife is one of the most indispensable tools in a gardener’s arsenal. During the planting season, it sets to work by attacking unruly weeds. Its serrated blade allows for precision, while its broad, slightly curved blade is perfect for scooping dirt and repotting plants. Even in the winter, when it seems like not much planting can be done, the hori hori knife proves invaluable for tasks like cutting back dead or diseased growth, harvesting winter crops, or loosening compacted soil. 

Top 5 Essential Tools for Winter Gardening


2. Row Covers     

Frost is a silent killer, sweeping across the land to lay waste to your garden. Plants that experience frost damage often display stunted growth or poor fruit production. One way to protect your vegetables from the cold weather is by installing row covers. These row covers are also lightweight and breathable enough that they can be used year-round to help ward off pests. 

3. Cold Frame or Mini Greenhouse    

Greenhouses were once popular in the Victorian era and were used to house delicate specimens that would otherwise perish in the harsh elements. Often constructed from wrought iron, these edifices were molded into intricate, gothic designs in keeping with the Victorian flair for dramatics. In the modern day, the basic function remains the same, with greenhouses acting as shields against cold weather. Their transparent panels trap in thermal energy, creating the ideal environment for overwintering delicate plants or growing cold-hardy vegetables.   

When considering a greenhouse, it’s important to choose one made from high-quality materials. While there are many tutorials on building a DIY greenhouse, Vego’s Pacific Greenhouse is recommended for its superior durability and high-performance aluminum. Compared to professionally built greenhouses, which cost an average $11,000 and can run upwards of $30,000, it’s only a fraction of the cost, offering the same functionality and elegance. And unlike DIY greenhouses, which tend to be shambolic structures without the right expertise, your greenhouse won’t be an eyesore.  

4. Long Pruning Gloves    

Although appropriate wear for winter is important, it’s not always the first thing that comes to mind. Designed for warmth and protection, this elbow-length glove, designed for pruning garden roses, can also be used to cut back branches or plants in the winter. Unlike other gloves that may feel uncomfortable on the skin, its suede cuffs are soft and puncture-resistant, providing an enjoyable experience.  

5. Electric Leaf Blower      

More suited for late fall going into early winter, an electric leaf blower is essential for removing debris from your garden beds. A leaf blower can be especially helpful if you have evergreens that profusely shed. While a few lingering areas of detritus are beneficial for local wildlife, too much and it can become a breeding ground for pests. 

Recommended Gardening Tools for Indoor Gardening 

Some gardeners live in areas that experience devastating frosts, which makes outdoor gardening out of the question. But being stuck indoors doesn’t mean that gardening has to stop: winter is a good idea to branch into indoor gardening opportunities, whether that be growing microgreens or tending to your houseplants. Here are a few recommended gardening tools that can make a real difference. 

  • Elevated Rolling Raised Beds: While elevated rolling beds aren’t necessary, they’re nice to have when winter rolls around. With these self-watering garden beds, drainage is never an issue, as plants siphon water from the wicking cells placed underneath. 
  • Grow Tray: Some gardeners choose to get a head start by sowing seeds indoors with a grow tray. Pair with bottom-watering trays for easy watering and a reliable way to collect any stray dirt that can spill over.  
    • Indoor Herb Planter: Abridge the distance from garden to plate with indoor herb planters. Mini planters are perfect for the indoors, allowing you to grow your seasoning right in on the kitchen counter. Large planters, outfitted with trellises, can also be used to grow tomatoes and other compact veggies. 
    • Plant Mister or Humidifier: Not only does winter suck out the fun, but it also strips the air of moisture – the winter months tend to be particularly dry. Many houseplants are tropical native that thrive in humid conditions, and the dry air can cause them to wilt. To maintain optimal humidity levels, use a humidifier which can benefit a large group of plants at once, or a spray mister, intended for a more selective application. 

    Kitchen composter: Every gardener’s toolkit typically includes some essential staples, including a shovel, pruners, a small hand rake, and a watering can. But one thing that’s missing from most toolsets is a kitchen composter – an innovative way to recycle garbage into rich garden amendment. Considered to be highly efficient and convenient by professional gardeners, Vego’s composter is a tested, multi-modal composter that allows for continuous scrap addition, auto-cycling, and control over composting. 

     Top 5 Essential Tools for Winter Gardening