Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

A new year has begun for gardeners, and apart from preparing for your typical vegetable garden, it’s also the perfect time to start growing some new plants indoors, too.

Ahead of the usual growing season, you can get a head-start on gardening this year with some new indoor plants - especially warm season vegetables like peppers or tomatoes. 

Growing indoors first is also a tactic that is suited to conditions in regions like the Midwest, where there are fewer growing days for garden plants. Planting indoors can give you a few more weeks of growing time, while starting seeds indoors also lets you grow extra crops in spring before stifling hot weather kicks in.

Some of the most popular vegetables like broccoli, peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts are usually started indoors. These veggies require more time and effort to grow well, and planting them indoors can set them on the right path. Some gardeners will also start cool season crops like squashes and lettuce indoors for a better harvest. Here are some popular options to make a start on indoor gardening. 


Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

Peppers are a staple of many culinary favorites, and fall into the category of vegetables that grow well in warmer climates. An ideal time to start seed is during spring or summer. Frost and the cold weather can cause damage to your pepper plants, so start growing them indoors and wait until the cold seasons pass to transplant them outside. 


Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

Lettuces are versatile and the staple ingredient of most salads. For this reason alone, you should try starting a variety of lettuces indoors, while they are also ideal for transplanting to your garden later, as they can grow well in lower temperatures as well. Consider starting in early to late spring, and you can look forward to a steady supply for all your favorite salads in no time. 


Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

With its distinct purple appearance, the eggplant can grow well indoors, and can be transplanted outdoors in the latter part of its long growing season. For seed starting, you should ideally be sowing your eggplant seeds seven to ten weeks before transplanting. You should move your eggplants back inside about a month before last frost, into a warmer location for best growing results. 


Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

Tomatoes are omnipresent in a variety of gardens, and is a favorite among gardeners. This veggie complements most dishes well, with many varieties to choose from. Many gardeners agree that they are a good option for starting indoors, as they can be planted and transplanted with ease without too much maintenance. 


Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

Most dishes become more tasty and appealing with the addition of herbs. And they are also some of the easiest vegetables to grow indoors, even with a lack of space. Popular herbs like thyme, oregano, and basil can grow fantastically in small spaces, and usually look great with your home decorations as well. 


Best Vegetables to Start Indoors for Early Spring Harvest

Your salads always taste fresher with cucumbers, and adding them will make any meal more refreshing and tangy. They are also low-maintenance and ideal for growing indoors. Start planting early, give them a space with plenty of sunshine -  and you’ll gain harvests of crunchy and delectable cucumber plants to enjoy after spring.