Barbara Adams

About Barbara Adams

I became an avid plant-lover and gardener after taking botany and horticulture while studying for my bachelor's degree in journalism. I enjoy making scientific and technical topics accessible to general audiences. I am happy to be part of the Vego Garden community!

Latest from Barbara Adams

For Better Gardens and Happier Gardening, Beware of These 8 Social Media Trends
For Better Gardens and Happier Gardening, Beware of These 8 Social Media Trends
Social media is a highlight reel: The things you see don’t always represent the entire picture or, in some cases, reality at all.  So while you can get good, thorough online gardening advice from sources who actually specialize in it,...
4 min read
Organic Pest Control: Kinder and Gentler for Mother Nature
Organic Pest Control: Kinder and Gentler for Mother Nature
In nature, the insects we consider garden pests are part of the total scheme of things. When you’ve invested time, effort, and cash into cultivating rows and rows of flowers, fruits, or vegetables, though, it’s difficult to see your hard...
4 min read
A Word to the Water-Wise: Xeriscaping
In our water-conscious world, some gardeners feel a pang of conscience every time they turn on the sprinkler or drag out the hose. While there’s no backyard or raised bed that can survive completely without water (unless you’ve gone all-in...
3 min read
Leaf-Footed Bugs: Your Garden's Achilles Heel
Leaf-Footed Bugs: Your Garden's Achilles Heel
Leaf-footed bugs generally live up to their name: most species have flat, leaf-like structures on their hind legs.
4 min read
World Rainforest Day: Honoring and Protecting the World’s Biodiversity Hot Spot
World Rainforest Day: Honoring and Protecting the World’s Biodiversity Hot Spot
It's easy to see why certain attributes have earned the world’s rainforests their own day, June 22. 
3 min read
A Weed is Just a Weed, or Is It? Weed Your Garden Day, June 13
A Weed is Just a Weed, or Is It? Weed Your Garden Day, June 13

They are considered the bane of many gardeners’ existence, a problem to be eradicated rather than something to be revered. It’s no surprise then, that the one day devoted to weeds is earmarked for their destruction: June 13.

3 min read
Take Thyme to Celebrate Herbs and Spices Day Monday June 10
Take Thyme to Celebrate Herbs and Spices Day Monday June 10
Spices come from various parts of plants, and the specific part used determines the unique flavor and aroma of the spice. 
4 min read
Joro Spiders in the Garden: Worth the Hype?
Joro Spiders in the Garden: Worth the Big Hype?
All eyes are on the huge, flying Joro spider, which recently popped up in New York and New Jersey, and threatens a full-blown tri-state invasion, according to media reports.
4 min read
Let's Get Physical: June 6 is National Gardening Exercise Day
Let's Get Physical: June 6 is National Gardening Exercise Day
Gardening can give you the benefits of a routine exercise plan, without feelings of inadequacy or breaking the bank on branded Lycra crop tops and leggings. 
3 min read
World Environment Day June 5
No Borders, No Action Too Small: June 5 is World Environment Day
By incorporating sustainable practices into your gardening routine, you're not just nurturing your plants, you're contributing to a healthier planet for everyone. 
3 min read
Barbara Adams

About Barbara Adams

I became an avid plant-lover and gardener after taking botany and horticulture while studying for my bachelor's degree in journalism. I enjoy making scientific and technical topics accessible to general audiences. I am happy to be part of the Vego Garden community!