The benefits of gardening are endless

Do you have a garden? If not- why not?! Why should you start a garden? The real question should be- WHY NOT?! The benefits of gardening are endless and you don’t have to be a pro to start! 


One benefit of gardening is it helps your physical health by getting you to exercise and move your body. By tending and taking care of a garden, you are constantly moving your body, which means you are getting a nice workout. It’s so important for us to move our bodies so by starting a garden, you are also working on your physical health/maintaining it! 

Another benefit of gardening is it is amazing for your mental health! Gardening is known to help relieve stress. By tending to a garden, you are forcing yourself to be in the present moment, instead of focusing on the past, worrying about the future or anything else that has been causing you stress. Along with that, you are grounding yourself by getting in touch with both yourself and nature. By starting a garden, you will be positively impacting your mental and emotional health. 

One other benefit of starting a garden is eating healthier. When you start growing fruits, vegetables and/or herbs, you get to reap the benefits of getting to eat what you grow! Not only is it so exiting to watch your garden grow but getting to eat what you grow is one of the best parts! By growing your own garden, you know exactly where your food is coming from and what is in it. Also, you will feel so proud of yourself when you do get to harvest fruits/vegetables after patiently watching them grow! 

An additional benefit to starting a garden is that is teaches you patience. Plants are like humans- forever growing and changing, so we don’t always know what a plant may need, but we are always learning by tending to a garden, which helps teach you patience. Along with that, some plants take much longer than others to grow, so by tending to a garden everyday, you will learn patience by being forced to take the time to watch your garden grow but that is the best part! Enjoying both the process and the journey of gardening as much as the final result! 

Another benefit of gardening is the beautiful gardening community! Many people love gardening so you could begin connecting with new people and create life long bonds. Also, by connecting with others who garden you can all learn from each other since everyone has their own unique experiences with gardening. There are so many gardening groups where people share pictures of their plants and write about their own personal experiences with growing a garden. By starting a garden, you could connect with so many new people and create a sense of belonging/community. 

colorful flowers

Altogether, there are so many benefits of starting a garden. Gardening helps your physical health by getting you to move around. Along with that, starting a garden helps your emotional and mental health by getting you to be in the present moment and connect with nature. One other benefit of gardening includes eating healthier since you know exactly where your fruits, vegetables and herbs are coming from. Also, gardening will help teach you patience, since you are taking care of a garden and learning what works and what doesn’t work over time with your plants. Lastly, gardening can help you create a new friends and connect to a beautiful community. I hope you decide to start a garden today. As you can see, the benefits of starting a garden are endless! What are you excited to grow?