9 Best Climbing Fruits To Grow On A Trellis

Welcome back to our unofficial part 2 of the trellises series! 

This series encourages gardeners to maximize their garden space by using vertical supports!

In part 1, we introduced 11 of the most popular climbing vegetables for trellises and promised that part 2 would cover the best climbing fruits. 

Here we are, staying true to our word! 

Below, you will find 9 climbing fruits that work great with trellises and why you should consider integrating them into your garden!

Types of Trellises

Before we move to our list, it's essential to know that there are several types of trellises:
  • Obelisk trellises. - A tower-like structure traditionally set up in garden pots. 
  • Cattle trellises. - A tall and wide arch made of sturdy wire mesh.
  • A-frames. - Provide support on both sides of the A-shaped structure and can go on a raised bed or directly on the ground. 
  • Wall trellises. -Go directly on garden beds and are reclined or installed against a wall.
  • Arch trellises. - Connect from garden bed to garden bed or anywhere else in your garden as long as it is attached to a garden pot. 
Vego Garden has good quality trellises that are rust-resistant, durable, and ready to be set up in your garden!


9 Climbing Fruits


Number one on our list has to be grapes! 

Grapes are excellent climbers and will grow prolific in the right weather conditions. They tolerate hot and cold temperatures but thrive in areas with full sun. Young grape vines provide light to moderate shade, and as the vines grow, they can take over any structure, creating full coverage from the sun. 

9 Best Climbing Fruits To Grow On A Trellis

2. Kiwi

Kiwi vines are another vining fruit, perfect for climbing trellises! 

Kiwi is a resilient climber with vines that spread and take over the trellis, creating a lot of shade. Kiwis prefer areas with mild winters and warm summers, and should be planted in late winter to early spring and harvest them in late summer to early fall. The best part of setting up kiwis on a trellis is watching the kiwis go from small green marbles to brown fuzzy fruits!

3. Passionfruit

Passionfruit vines are vigorous climbers that produce delicious fruits and stunning flowers known as passifloras or passion flowers!

Passionfruit thrives in warm climates but can grow in cooler regions under proper care. Like grapes and kiwi, they make a lot of shade and need constant pruning.

9 Best Climbing Fruits To Grow On A Trellis

4. Blackberries

Blackberries need trellises to prevent them from becoming overgrown, unruly bushes! 

Plant them in early spring since they need full sun to produce high-quality fruit and harvest in the summer or when they reach a black or deep purple color. The trellises make harvesting season easier because they make the crops more accessible, prevent back pain, and reduce contact with thorns. 

9 Best Climbing Fruits To Grow On A Trellis

5. Raspberries

Raspberries also love climbing trellises! 

Plant raspberries in early spring and harvest in summer when the fruits look plump and deep red. Raspberries need full sun, well-drained soil, regular pruning, and a trellis to prevent them from sprawling on the ground and overtaking horizontal garden space. 

9 Best Climbing Fruits To Grow On A Trellis

6. Cucamelon

Cucamelons are miniature watermelon-like fruits, also known as Mouse Watermelon or Mexican Sour Cucumber. These little cute fruits taste like cucumbers and melons and will add a tangy bite to your summer salad. The Cucamelons create light shade in your garden, perfect for paring them with crops that need partial shade in your garden beds. 

7. Cantaloupe

Cantaloupe vines love to sprawl on the ground but are better off on a trellis, keeping little crawlers from tasting the fruit.

Cantaloupes should be planted in late spring and harvested in summer to take advantage of the full sun. Cantaloupes are ready for harvest when they develop a sweet aroma, the skin changes color, and they detach from the vine when gently twisted or when you see little scratch marks from bugs wanting to taste the fruit!

9 Best Climbing Fruits To Grow On A Trellis

8. Kiwano 

Kiwano, also known as the Horned Melon or African Horned Cucumber. It is one weird-looking yellow fruit on the outside and green on the inside, and people swear it has a flavor mix of banana, cucumber, and melon. Kiwano must be planted early in the spring because it requires full sun for optimal growth and harvested from late summer to fall when the fruit reaches a deep yellow to orange hue on the skin. 

9. Honeydew Melons

Honeydew Melons, like their Cantaloupe cousins, are perfect for trellises! Planting must be in early spring to take advantage of the warm weather and full sun. Harvest in late summer when the skin changes color yields slightly to gentle pressure and oozes a sweet aroma. You have to ensure the trellis structure is sturdy because as they grow, they get heavy, and a simple trellis structure won't support the weight. 

Final Thoughts

Now that you know the best climbing fruits for vertical structures, level up your gardening skills by adding a trellis!

We are also adding part 3 to the series, where we will cover the best climbing flowers to grow on trellises to make your garden look like a romantic cottage in the woods!