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Alison Cooksey

About Alison Cooksey

My name is Alison and I am a zone 9B gardener in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have been gardening since 2019 and started small and expanded year after year. I’m a big fan of learning by trial and error. I try to be as sustainable in the garden as I can be. I have gotten into composting/vermicomposting which I feel really helps me lower my carbon footprint! If I’m not out in the garden, I am usually found watching TV with my cat or experimenting in the kitchen!
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Latest from Alison Cooksey

Troubleshooting Seed Germination Issues
It can be so frustrating when you have started seeds and for some reason, a certain variety or type of seed just won’t germinate for you. However, some seeds are trickier than others to start, and even some of the...
5 min read
Ways to Save Water for Your Garden
Ways to Save Water for Your Garden
Nearly every living thing needs water to survive, and your garden is no exception. Gardening is worth it in so many ways, whether it’s for a hobby, to grow your own organic food, or to use it to start a...
4 min read
Pesky Pests: Protect Your Garden from Fungus Gnats
Pesky Pests: Protect Your Garden from Fungus Gnats
Fungus gnats, unfortunately, are something that comes with the territory of having plants, and cultivating your own when starting seeds indoors.
3 min read
Common Seed Starting Mistakes | Vego Garden
Common Seed Starting Mistakes
Being able to see the whole process from seed to sprout, to seedling to a fully mature plant is one of the most magical things about gardening.
3 min read
The Importance of Garden Journaling
The Importance of Garden Journaling
Every gardener should keep some kind of log or journal. Being able to look at the past and see what worked and what didn’t is crucial for future success. Learning from mistakes can help you determine if you want to...
2 min read
Benefits of Vermicomposting
Benefits of Vermicomposting
“Compost” is a common term among gardeners, but what about “vermicomposting?” If you’ve never heard of vermicomposting, it’s composting, but with worms! However, not just any worms will work for an efficient vermicompost bin. The earthworms that you find naturally...
2 min read
Alison Cooksey

About Alison Cooksey

My name is Alison and I am a zone 9B gardener in the San Francisco Bay Area. I have been gardening since 2019 and started small and expanded year after year. I’m a big fan of learning by trial and error. I try to be as sustainable in the garden as I can be. I have gotten into composting/vermicomposting which I feel really helps me lower my carbon footprint! If I’m not out in the garden, I am usually found watching TV with my cat or experimenting in the kitchen!