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Why You Should Grow Comfrey in Your Garden
Why You Should Grow Comfrey in Your Garden
Comfrey is a well-loved herb in a permaculture garden. It is an economical way to feed your garden and create healthier plants while enjoying the many side benefits it provides. 
4 min read
Another Mouth to Feed: Carnivorous Plants
Another Mouth to Feed: Exotic, Fascinating and Deadly Carnivorous Plants

Most plants are docile and passive, minding their own business and content to grow in the ground or their containers with just reasonable care. Carnivorous plants defy the stereotype. 

3 min read
Resilient Plants for Harsh Conditions | Vego Garden
Outdoor Gardens: Resilient Plants and Crops for Harsh Environments
Gardening in harsh environments, whether it is poor soil, extreme temperatures, drought conditions, or high winds, requires the right plants to guarantee a harvest at the end of the season.
5 min read
Easy Breezy Air Plants | Vego Garden
Easy, Breezy Air Plants
Air plants, or Tillandsias, are well adapted to life without soil, getting the nutrients and moisture they need largely from the environment.
4 min read
Winter Shrubs | Vego Garden
Your January Gardening Checklist
January is the time to prune, plant and prepare for spring gardens. Vego Garden shares these tips from Texas Gardener magazine.
7 min read
Night Garden Moon Flower | Vego Garden
Night Gardens: Shine at Moon Time
While all gardens have their charms, there’s something particularly magical about moon gardens — gardens designed to be enjoyed at night. Even their names suggest enchantment.
3 min read
Discover the Easiest Peppers to Grow in Your Garden: From Mild to Spicy
Discover the Easiest Peppers to Grow in Your Garden: From Mild to Spicy
Growing peppers is a fun way to spice things up in your kitchen—pun intended. Pairing a pepper garden with a herb garden opens up a massive range of possibilities for dishes and other things to create in your kitchen, such...
4 min read
How to Grow Lettuce in Your Garden All Year Round
How to Grow Lettuce in Your Garden All Year Round
Lettuce is a staple in salads, making it perfect for those following low-carb diets, where it often replaces bread and tortillas with lettuce leaves. Growing lettuce in your garden is relatively easy, but like any plant, it requires a certain...
4 min read
How To Grow a Stunning Sunflower Garden  in Your Backyard
How To Grow a Stunning Sunflower Garden in Your Backyard
Few things in the world can brighten up your day like a sunny sunflower garden in your very own backyard. While some may think sunflowers are only suitable for vast fields, the truth is that you can cultivate a small...
5 min read
Tips On How To Grow A Kitchen Herb Garden
Tips On How To Grow A Kitchen Herb Garden
Growing your own kitchen herb garden is a rewarding and sustainable way to enhance your culinary creations. Whether you have a green thumb or are a first-time gardener, cultivating your own herbs can be both therapeutic and practical. In this...
2 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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