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15 Greenhouse Gardening Pro Tips for Beginners
15 Greenhouse Gardening Pro Tips for Beginners
Greenhouse gardening can feel overwhelming for beginners, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few key practices in mind, everything else falls into place. Think of this as your essential checklist for keeping things running smoothly. From checking raised...
5 min read
Winter Mulch: A Garden Bed’s Best Friend
Winter Mulch: A Garden Bed’s Best Friend
Now that the chill of winter has settled in, many fellow gardeners have hung up their gardening tools for the season. But there's one key task that should be on your to-do list: winter mulching. If you’re not already familiar...
3 min read
Top 10 Veggies to Rock Your Fall Garden
Top 10 Veggies to Rock Your Fall Garden
Autumn's arrived my fellow horticulturalists, and that means it's time to shift gears in the garden. As summer's bounty winds down, fall offers a host of seasonal treasures just waiting to be harvested. Forget about your tomatoes and other summer...
3 min read
Celebrating National Farmers Day
Celebrating National Farmers Day
As the leaves start to change color and the air gets crisp, it’s a great time to reflect on the hardworking farmers who work hard to feed us and sustain our communities. Celebrated every year on October 12th, National Farmers...
3 min read
How Much Soil Do I Need for a Raised Garden Bed?
How Much Soil Do I Need for a Raised Garden Bed?
Filling raised beds with soil is necessary for planting, but it's also important to calculate the amount of soil needed in order to avoid waste and save money.
6 min read
Transform Your Garden with DIY Gardening Soil
Transform Your Garden with DIY Gardening Soil
Creating your own soil blend can give you significantly more bang for your buck and even create healthier plants.
4 min read
At Home in the Range: The Importance of Balanced Soil pH
At Home in the Range: The Importance of Balanced Soil pH
To keep plants healthy and growing, you have to provide not too much of this and not too little of that. Things have to be (mostly) just right, right down to the soil.
4 min read
Soil Health and How to Achieve It | Vego Garden
Soil Health and How to Achieve It
Healthy soil isn't just vital for robust crop growth - it plays a role in human health, plant well-being, and the broader ecosystem.
4 min read
Ways to Properly Use Fertilizer | Vego Garden
Ways to Properly Use Fertilizer
Fertilization is more than just feeding your plants; it's an art that involves knowing how much, what, and how to feed each plant to ensure its vitality and prosperity.
3 min read
World of Worms in Gardening |Vego Garden
World of Worms: Why You Want Them in Your Garden
Like little living tillers, they aerate and loosen the soil while they tunnel through it horizontally and vertically, enhancing both soil structure and porosity.
3 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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