Tips for Gardening in a Compact Yard

Vego Garden
Vego Garden

Those with a limited amount of yard space, particular in an urban environment, may feel deterred from growing crops and vegetables, but with some helpful tips, a fruitful harvest is still possible. Many thoughtful approaches to urban gardening can yield green spaces in areas previously dominated by sparse vegetation and industrial material. There are also many innovative ways to style your garden to enhance visual appeal. If you live in a house with a small space for growing crops or have no yard at all, then check out these ideas that can help you maximize the space in your garden.

1.Grow Crops Using a Raised Garden Bed 

Raised garden bed gardening can help optimize the health and productivity of your garden bed. Raised garden beds possess a myriad of benefits, including improved drainage, control over soil quality, and maximized yield. There is also minimal need for weeding, reduced strain on the back, and easy access.  

Able to accommodate a variety of soil conditions, raised beds allow you to grow crops in virtually any location, from a deck or patio to even the asphalt. You can easily place raised garden beds on the balcony with Vego Garden’s Rolling Planter Twin Pack. Though these garden beds may appear small, the elevated structure allows you to grow more crops in a set space than in a traditional garden bed.

2.Try Those Compact Gardening Techniques  

There are several ways you can maximize the space in your garden using compact gardening techniques. One such technique is square foot gardening, first coined in 1981 by civil engineer Mel Bartholomew. Square foot gardening combines companion planting, intensive spacing, and other tips to achieve a productive, orderly effect in a small space. 

In square foot gardening (SFG), a raised bed with dimensions of usually 4 x 4 ft or 4 x 8 ft is divided into compact 1-foot squares. In each square various crops are planted according to their density. Easy to set-up and maintain, SFG is a recommended method for any gardener, especially beginners and those who have limited space. Make sure that the depth of the garden bed is at least 12 inches deep to accommodate the roots of most vegetables.


  • Interplanting with flowers is an easy way to improve the look of your garden beds while increasing your harvest. Many flowers make great companion plants and can ward off pests or attract beneficial pollinators. For an elegant way to display plants with different root requirements, try the Cascading Garden BedTips for Gardening in a Compact Yard | Vego Garden
  • Try companion and succession planting. Companion planting enables you to garden more effectively by deterring pests, improving soil health, and providing shade to shorter plants. Succession plantings refers to planting at intervals of 7 – 21 days to ensure a steady supply. Using these tips, you can easily double your harvest and extend the growing season. 
  • Avoid vegetables that are not cost-effective. Some vegetables are not worthwhile to go because they take up a lot of space, require long growing seasons, or are difficult to grow. Winter squash, melons, and corn are not recommended due to factors such as long maturity rates or low yield. By contrast, leafy greens, and sweet peas are cheap and easy to grow without much gardening experience.

    3.Get Rid of Lawns  

    Lawns often have the reputation of being an eyesore, particularly when they appear yellow or patchy. One way to eliminate your lawn is to replace it with native plants, which are suited to the climate of your area. Another way is to grow groundcovers. As well as being drought tolerant, native wildflowers and plants are often low maintenance. While this tip may be more intensive than other methods, it can be worthwhile if you admire the carefree, whimsical aesthetic of the prairie.

    4.Grow Vegetables Vertically 

    Tips for Gardening in a Compact Yard | Vego Garden

    A trellis or fence is an easy way to expand your garden space and make gardening even more successful. Fruits, vegetables, and fresh herbs grown vertically are often healthier and highly productive. Vego Garden’s Wall Trellis System, which can be purchased to fit various configurations, is an innovative way to create more space in your garden, whether for vining vegetables such as peas and tomatoes or for elegant garden roses.

    5.Choose Compact Varieties 

    Beefsteak tomatoes, rows of corn, or vining pumpkins require a lot of space and are not recommended for those faced with space constraints. Plant on a small scale by choosing dwarf, tiny, patio, or compact varieties. It is recommended that you purchase starter plants instead of starting from seed. Many times, those started from seed are not reliable, have a tendency not to sprout, or will grow into a variety different than the one depicted.

    6.Grow Edible Plants Indoors 

    Tips for Gardening in a Compact Yard | Vego Garden


    Growing microgreens is an exciting way to keep yourself occupied during the cold winter months. Microgreens are miniature, densely-packed versions of edible vegetables and herbs. Many varieties feature wispy filaments, creating a whimsical appearance, especially when layered with multicolored hues. Able to flourish on a sunny windowsill, they are ideal for those limited to a balcony or patio. Dwarf tomatoes, herbs, and scallions are also able to be grown indoors in pots and containers.

    7.Grow Colorful Crops

    Tips for Gardening in a Compact Yard | Vego Garden

    Colorful crops can impart a splash of color to an otherwise dull yard. Rainbow carrots, Swiss chard and purple cauliflower are just some of the brightly colored vegetables you can grow. As they mature, they add a sense of excitement. Look out for unique cultivars, such as black tomatoes, to further enhance your backyard.

    8.Grow Fruit Trees in Containers      

    Tips for Gardening in a Compact Yard | Vego Garden

    While many trees can grow to be quite large, certain types of fruit trees can be grown in garden beds and containers. One of the best benefits of growing a fruit tree in a raised bed is that you can easily control the water supply. The Berry Garden Bed is a compact bed ideal for berries, shrubs, or small fruit trees. Trees grown in raised beds are easier to manage and encounter fewer weed problems.

    9.Style your Backyard with Lights      

    Tips for Gardening in a Compact Yard | Vego Garden

    Fairy lights, torches, or solar lights can subtly improve the ambience of a garden. They don’t take up much space and are relatively inexpensive, making them ideal decorations to place among plants or attach to a garden bed. With Vego solar garden lights, simply turn on the light, attach to your bed, and enjoy an idyllic evening stroll down your garden.

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