Vego garden beds

Vego Meal

What Exactly is
Vego Meal?

“Vego Meal” is the nutrient-rich output from your Vego Kitchen Composter. After you’ve enjoyed a delicious meal with your family, you can add the
scraps to your composter to make Vego Meal. You can then throw it into your lawn, garden, or houseplants instead of adding more waste to landfills.

Vego garden beds

1. Add food scraps

Add a VegoTab & Water

2. Add a VegoTab & Water

Let your composter handle the rest!

3. Let your composter handle the rest!

What to do With Your Vego Meal

The way you use your nutritious Vego Meal will depend on the Composter Mode you use!

Vego Mode

A mode exclusive to the Vego Kitchen Composter with moderate-temperature processing that preserves beneficial microorganisms, creating a nutrient rich, biologically active soil amendment.

  • Thanks to this mode’s microbe-preserving moderate-temperature processing, you can be certain that your Vego Meal will retain the benefits that ensure your plants thrive!
  • The Vego Meal produced by this mode is the most appropriate for using directly in the garden.
Vego garden beds

Fertilize Mode

A mode that efficiently produces semi-composted materials for use as an activator & finisher in compost bins, & as a topdressing on landscape beds.

  • This Vego Meal works beautifully as a compost activator for large, young compost piles, or as a finisher to add microbes to semi-dormant compost piles.
  • Top-dressing landscape beds with Vego Meal will improve the health of underlying soil! To top-dress, apply a 1/8-1/2 inch thick layer on beds prior to mulching.
Vego garden beds

Grass Mode

This mode implements additional grinding which speeds up biodegradation to create nutrient-rich, ready-to-use organic matter for your lawn.

  • This Vego Meal raises the organic matter content and improves the structure of underlying soil for a thriving lawn.
  • If you are using a mulching lawn mower, applying this microbe-rich Vego Meal will help convert grass clipping into humus, a superfood for your soil!
Vego garden beds

Express Mode

A rapid drying and grinding mode that efficiently reduces waste volume. This mode is ideal for users looking for fast and sustainable waste handling and does not utilize a VegoTab.

  • For gardeners looking to put this Vego Meal to good use, it can be added to carbon-heavy compost piles for ingredient balance. Mix it in at a 80/20 ratio of existing compost to Vego Meal.
  • At the end of a growing season, once crops have been ripped out and soil has shrunken down, mix this Vego Meal into your existing soil as needed to restore soil levels.
Vego garden beds