Jessica Lee

About Jessica Lee

Jessica Lee is an academic in the Southern United States. She has been gardening off and on most of her life and one of her most special possessions is a staghorn fern that her mother cared for when she was a child. She lives with her husband, daughter, a mastiff who eats everything, a salty but sweet cat, and two chickens.

Latest from Jessica Lee

Garden Therapy
Garden Therapy
In a world that often feels too loud, too bright, and just too much, gardening helps to quiet the internal noise. It’s not definitely not silent outside.  Blue jays chitter and chase the hawks away from their nest as I...
4 min read
Jessica Lee

About Jessica Lee

Jessica Lee is an academic in the Southern United States. She has been gardening off and on most of her life and one of her most special possessions is a staghorn fern that her mother cared for when she was a child. She lives with her husband, daughter, a mastiff who eats everything, a salty but sweet cat, and two chickens.