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Identifying & Controlling Garden Pests
No More Free Lunches Rid your garden of pesky insects that beat you to your produce   Ever walked through your vegetable garden and noticed little bite marks or discoloration on the leaves of your plants? Chances are, you’ve seen these,...
4 min read
Organic Pest Control: Kinder and Gentler for Mother Nature
Organic Pest Control: Kinder and Gentler for Mother Nature
In nature, the insects we consider garden pests are part of the total scheme of things. When you’ve invested time, effort, and cash into cultivating rows and rows of flowers, fruits, or vegetables, though, it’s difficult to see your hard...
4 min read
Preventing Disease After Heavy Rains
Too much of a good thing?What to do when heavy rains bring diseases to your garden During the summer, we see it all—blistering hot sun, then lingering rains, and even hail and high winds. All of it takes a toll...
3 min read
Garden Pest Protection: What are Crap Trops and How do they Help?
Garden Pest Protection: What are Crap Trops and How do they Help?
Ever heard of plants that sacrifice themselves to save your prized veggies? It's not science fiction; it's what happens when you employ a valuable gardening technique called trap cropping.
3 min read
How to Keep Mosquitoes Away When You're Outside
How to Keep Mosquitoes Away When You're Outside
As gardeners, we all know too well the frustration of trying to enjoy the great outdoors, only to be pestered by swarms of mosquitoes.
3 min read
Managing Pest Control: Natural Solutions for Garden Harmony | Vego Garden
Mastering Pest Control: Natural Solutions for Garden Harmony
Garden pests that are not dealt with can quickly wreak havoc on your favorite plants, so having the right pest-control options are essential. 
3 min read
22 Organic Solutions and Home Remedies for Treating Pests and Diseases in Your Garden
22 Organic Solutions and Home Remedies for Treating Pests and Diseases in Your Garden
Welcome to the world of organic home remedies for managing pests and diseases in your garden!  We’ve compiled the most common organic solutions and home remedies to effectively combat garden challenges, stay cost-effective and keep your garden poison-free.  13 Organic...
4 min read
8 Natural Ways to Keep Animals Out of the Garden
8 Natural Ways to Keep Animals Out of the Garden
It is the ire of every gardener to come across unwelcome visitors treading on their home turf. If you constantly stumble across nibbled, damaged or overturned plants, then it is time to figure out ways to keep animals out of...
5 min read
How to Get Rid of Slugs in the Garden
How to Get Rid of Slugs in the Garden
To some, slugs are minor nuisances that look less appealing than their shelled gastropod relatives. They may even spark a sort of curiosity as they plod along the path, leaving a meandering trail of slime. To others, however, they are...
5 min read
Eco-friendly Pest Control Methods for your Garden
Eco-friendly Pest Control Methods for your Garden
The summer months conjure up lush images of verdant foliage and brightly colored flowers in continuous bloom. Unfortunately, pests are attracted to the mild temperatures as well, and are especially prolific during this time of the year. When looking for...
5 min read

About Vego

At Vego Garden, our goal is to redefine Raised Garden Beds. The company was founded with the goal of launching a modular metal garden bed system with a 20+ year life expectancy, utilizing eco-friendly metal materials instead of cutting down trees. We emphasize innovative design and high quality with our products. The name vego carries the spirit of DIY modular raised beds suitable for growing vegetables.


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